12 Simple Ways to Celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi!
12 Simple Ways to Celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi! Feast Day: October 4th
St. Francis is the patron saint of animals, merchants, ecology, Assisi (Italy), and the Franciscan orders. He loved Mother Nature, animals, and everything God created. He wrote a beautiful prayer poem called the “Canticle of the Sun”
He is the founder of the Franciscan religion community. THere are several branches of the Franciscans all sharing the spirituality of St. Francis at its core. St. Francis had a radical conversion and became a reformer in the Church through ways of pease, prayer, detachment, love, and trust in God.
- Go to Mass or create a prayer table and pray at home
- Download our free Animal Match activity page
- Play with a pet
- Or gather stuffed animals and play!
- Wear an animal design or print shirt
- Or wear an animal costume
- Get all the Saint Francis themed toys (We have several: St. Francis and Friends Bath set, Pray & Play ABC Saint Puzzle, Franciscan Friends Lacing Set)
- Dress in brown, like the Franciscan orders
- Pray the Peace Prayer or the Canticle of the Sun Prayer
- Read about Saint Francis (we have two books with him featured: ABC Saint Booklet, Encyclopedia of Peg Saints
- Donate to a soup kitchen
- Visit your Saint Francis statue
Let’s pray,
Today Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.